Saturday, October 15, 2011

Rain Man's Sunday Picks

We're almost midway through the NFL season and it's really starting to get interesting. The Detroit Lions and the Packers are the only undefeated teams left going 5-0. Who would have thought? There's a bunch of tough match-ups tomorrow but I think I've been able to spot out a couple teams I like to go with.

Sunday's Picks
New England Patriots (-6)
Oakland Raiders (-6 1/2)
Carolina Panthers (+3)

Good Luck.

Rain Man

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rain Man's Tuesday Picks

Now that's what I'm talking about! What a way to start my football picks and going 3-0 for the week in NFL! The Detroit Lions pulled off another victory to go 5-0 for the first time since 1956. Talk about a long time. Jay Cutler, of the Chicago Bears, put up a good effort but couldn't withstand the pounding of the Lion's defense.

Monday's Results 1-0
Detroit Lions (win)

It's a shame we'll have to wait until next Sunday for some more NFL, but in the meantime we have MLB playoffs.

Tuesday's Pick
Detroit Tigers (-140)

Good Luck.

Rain Man

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rain Man's Monday Pick

Today was a good start for my first NFL picks of the season. I'm a little late but let's see if we can make up some ground. The 49ers completely destroyed the Buccaneers and look to be the real deal. They breezed through game with a 48-3 win at home. The Packers gave us a little scare at first with a slow start but Aaron Rogers was able to rally his team to win and comfortably cover spread with a 25-14 victory.

Sunday's Results 2-0
San Francisco 49ers (win)
Green Bay Packers (win)

We'll continue with football for tomorrow's free pick.

Monday's Pick
Detriot Lions (-5 1/2)

Good Luck.

Rain Man

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rain Man's Sunday Picks

I'm going to switch it up today, and finally get some NFL picks. So who's ready for some football?! This season has been a little all over the place with overrated and underrated teams. For us, that means more advantageous spreads as long as were able to spot them out. There's a lot of games I like tomorrow, but some of them are too risky to post so I've narrowed my picks to 2.

Today's Picks
San Francisco 49ers (-3)
Green Bay Packers (-5 1/2)

Good Luck.

Rain Man

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rain Man's Thursday Pick

The playoffs are getting exciting as only the Texas are locked in to advance so far. The other 3 matches have a tied series of 2-2. My last pick was on Tuesday for the Phillies was good as they were able to squeeze by with a 3-2 win.

Tuesday's Pick 1-0
Philadelphia Phillies (win)

There's only one game on today and that's the Yankees versus the Tigers. While the Tigers have put up a good fight, the Yankees are going to take the series today.

Today's Pick
New York Yankees (-165)

Rain Man

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday Free Picks

Yesterday's match-ups were such close games, making the picks that much more exciting. We ended with a 1-1 record for the day. The Yankees fell short as Jeter struck the last out with 2 runners on in the 9th inning. The Colts looked beat up, but were able to hang-on to cover the spread to led to a win for us.

Yesterday's Results
New York Yankees (loss)
Indianapolis Colts (win)

Now to the MLB playoff picks.

Today's Games
Philadelphia Phillies (-135)

Rain Man

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday Free Picks

It's the start of the week and there's lots of things going on in the sports world. There's the playoffs going on in baseball and since it's Monday, of there's Monday Night Football. I haven't posted for a while and last time I posted, football season was still in preseason. As the baseball season starts to wind down and football just getting started you'll see me picking back and forth between the two sports. Enough talk though, let's get some picks in!

Today's Pick
Indianapolis Colts (Spread +10)
New York Yankees (+105)

Some might be wondering why I'm taking the Colts, but the Colts showed strong defensive effort last week and I'm hoping it'll keep up against Tampa Bay, landing within the spread.

Good Luck!

Rain Man

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Picks

Happy Friday! Didn't expect the Mets to lose both of their games yesterday and since we took Game 2 it was a disappointing turn of events.

Thursday's Results
New Yorks Mets (loss)

I'm out of town again after today so after today's pick my next post will be the week after next. Let's start this weekend off on the right foot.

Today's Picks
New Yorks Mets (-150)
Texas Rangers (-160)

On a side note, I'm very excited that NFL has started and if you caught yesterday's season opener you can tell it's going to be an awesome season. I'll be doing NFL picks too eventually but that will all have to take place when I get back in town.

Rain Man

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday Pick

We squeezed in 2 wins yesterday as both the Mets and the Pirates beat their opponents by 1 run. While it's no big victory, a victory is a victory in my book. Either way let's hope to make another run.

Wednesday's Picks
Pittsburgh Pirates (win)
New York Mets (win)

There aren't that many games today and there's even 2 match-ups playing twice. As a result, there's only one game I like today. The game I picked below is the second game that starts at 7:30 EST.

Today's Pick
New York Mets (-120) Game 2

Rain man

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Free Picks Wednesdays

Yesterday's results were mediocre as the Diamondbacks lost against the Rockies 3-8. I guess it's kind of what I get for choosing Arizona for 3 days straight, but I really thought they'd do better. Anyways it put an end to our little run but going 7-1 wasn't too bad.

Tuesday's Pick
Arizona Diamondbacks (loss)
San Francisco Giants (win)

Here's what we got for today.

Today's Picks
New York Mets (-125)
Pittsburgh Pirates (-150)

Rain Man

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Free Picks Tuesday

These past couple of days have been treating us well. We won our 2 games yesterday which brings our little streak to 6-0. It grew a little concerning as the Chicago Cubs lead dropped to only 1 run, but they were able to fend off the Reds and won the game 4-3. The Diamondbacks did it again as they beat the Rockies yesterday. The Rookies made a good effort to rally in the bottom of the 9th but it wasn't enough to win over our Diamondbacks 10-7.

Monday's Picks
Chicago Cubs (win)
Arizona Diamondbacks (win)

Lets see what we can put together for today.

Tuesday's Picks
San Francisco Giants (-115)
Arizona Diamondbacks (-110)

Rain man

Monday, September 5, 2011

Free Picks Monday

Happy Labor Day everyone!

We won solid two games yesterday and extending our little streak from Saturday to 4-0. The Arizona Diamondbacks had us a little worried going into the top of the 8th down one run, but allowed us to breathe easy by scoring 4 runs that inning which was enough to win the game as the Diamondbacks took it away 4-1. The Detroit Tigers destroyed the Chicago White Sox 18-2 so this was a very easy game to watch.

Sunday's Picks
Arizona Diamondbacks (win)
Detroit Tigers (win)

Here's who I'm taking for today.

Today's Picks
Arizona Diamondbacks (+105)
Chicago Cubs (-145)

Rain Man

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Free Pick Sundays

Yesterday went well as we were able to finish the day with 2 solid wins. The Yankees were down one but were able to rally at the bottom of the 7th and scored 3 runs. No more runs were made after the 7th and the game ended in a Yankee victory 6-4. The Washington game was high scoring and a close one. Going into the bottom of the 9th down one, the Nationals turned it around and scored 2 runs to win the game.

Saturday's Picks 2-0
Washington Nationals (-105)
New York Yankees (-145)

Missed the morning games but there's 2 afternoon games I like.

Today's Picks
Detroit Tigers (-135)
Arizona Diamondback (+105)

Rain man

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Free Saturday Picks

Happy Labor Day weekend everyone! It's been really hectic on my side so I haven't been able to post as much as I wanted to but I'm back and ready to watch some games this weekend. I'm still sticking with some MLB picks for now but I'll most likely transition to some NFL picks once the season starts.

Let's see who we got for today.

Today's Picks
New York Yankees (-145)
Washington Nationals (-105)

Rain Man

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Free Picks Thursdays

It's been a hectic week and I haven't been able to put up posts the past couple of days, but I'm back today with a couple picks! It's Thursday which usually means there's less games to pick from for MLB, but to me that's not necessarily a bad thing. Too many options doesn't always result in your favor. Anyways, enough about that, lets get started with some baseball! Here's today's picks.

Today's Pick
Tampa Bay Rays (-165)
Toronto Blue Jays (-180)

Rain Man

Monday, August 22, 2011

Free Picks Monday

Top of the morning everyone! Hope everyone had a good weekend as we start the Monday off with a couple baseball picks. We're getting closer to football season, so I'm excited and preparing for that as well. While you can bet on preseason, I usually don't because the starters aren't in for the entire game. Anyways, back to baseball for now and today's picks.

Today's Picks

Atlanta Braves (-130)
Minnesota Twins (-140)

Good luck!

Rain Man

Friday, August 19, 2011

Free Picks Friday

Happy Friday Everyone!

Yesterday was a very boring 1-1 finish as the Dodgers for the most part dominated against Milwaukee and eventually finishing 5-1. Luckily the Nationals pulled through for us and won the game 3-1.

Hoping to get in the positive today.

Today's Pick
Saint Louis Cardinals (-155)
San Francisco Giants (-145)

Rain Man

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Free Picks Thursday

It's Thursday today which means were one day closer to the weekend and I can't say the weekend can't come soon enough. Football season is starting soon so I'm sure everyone is excited about that. Just a couple more weeks, but in the meantime lets continue to focus on baseball to help pass the time.

Took a good look at the games today and here's who I like.

Today's Picks
Washington Nationals (-145)
Milwaukee Brewer (+110)

Rain Man

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Free Sports Picks Tuesday

Yesterday's game was a lot closer than I liked, but we still ended up with a win so no complaints here. I'm hoping to use the win as a little momentum in today's game. Again the lines for the favored teams are disgusting, so I've chosen match-ups where the lines are reasonable. Here's what I'm looking at today.

Today's Picks
San Francisco Giants (+130)
Oakland A's (-145)

Rain Man

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rain Man's Free Picks

It was a disappointing way to end the week yesterday as none of the games covered. From what I can see the lines are getting tighter so picking games is definitely getting harder. All we can do now is shake it off and move on.

I don't have anything fancy today. Only one pick.

Today's Pick
Chicago Cubs (-125)

Rain Man

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Free Picks Sunday MLB

The games are almost starting so I'm just going to give my picks for today.

Today's Picks
Detroit Tigers (-155)
Los Angeles (-140)
Cleveland Indians (-165)

Rain Man

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Free Picks Saturday MLB

Good morning everyone! Looks like a beautiful Saturday and I'm ready to watch some baseball. Let's see who we have today. The lines have been getting pretty ugly with huge risks needed to take the teams you like. As a result, I based the picks today on lines.

Today's Pick
San Diego Padres (+110)
Cleveland Indians (-145)

There's one team that I like but their playing against the Phillies at home so it's a much riskier play. I put a lower amount on this one, but you don't need to take it.

Washington Nationals (+160)

Rain Man

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Free Picks Wednesday MLB

It was a close game yesterday between the Reds and the Rockies, but unfortunately, the Reds weren't able to pull through and ended with a loss. Luckily it was our only loss since the Red Sox and Angels were pull away with remarkable wins.

Tuesday's Summary 2-1
Cincinnati Reds (loss)
Boston Red Sox (win)
Los Angeles Angels (win)

It's mid-week and I'm looking to get over this hump day on a positive note.

Today's Picks
Philadelphia Phillies (-135)
Washington Nationals (Even)

Rain Man

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Free Picks Tuesday MLB

There was some great baseball yesterday, but unfortunately none of them ended in our favor. We seem to be hitting a number of bad beats with it continuing last night with the San Diego Padres. Going into the bottom of the 9th, the Padres were up 2 runs after scoring 4 runs in the 8th, but in due fashion the New York Mets mustered up 3 runs to finished the game off with a win. As for the Giants and Pirates, Morton and the Pirates could really do no wrong as they shut out the Giants. Not that I was very please about the loss, but I must say the way Morton was controlling the strike zone was very impressive. Solid pitching is a beautiful thing. 

Monday's Summary 2-0
San Francisco Giants (loss)
San Diego Padres (loss)
Chicago Cubs (postponed)

Let's get some wins today.

Today's Picks
Los Angeles Angels (Even)
Cincinnati Reds (-140)
Boston Red Sox (-140)

Rain Man

Monday, August 8, 2011

Free Picks MLB Monday

Damn, I thought we were going to finish 3-1 on Saturday but the Rangers blew it and gave up 4 runs at the top of the 9th which resulted in a loss. By the end of the day it left us with a disappointing 2-2 day. Not the worst I've seen, but definitely far from the best.

Saturday Summary 2-2
Texas Rangers (loss)
Detroit Tigers (win)
Cincinnati Reds (loss)
Philadelphia Phillies (win)

Here's what I have for Monday.

Today's Picks
San Diego Padres
Chicago Cubs
San Francisco Giants

Rain Man

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Free Picks MLB Saturday

Good win yesterday, but nothing fancy with just 1 pick. The Phillies really dominated the Giants and were able to come away with an easy victory 9-2.

Friday's Summary 1-0
Philadelphia Phillies (win)

Got more picks today so wanted to get these out before the games start. Let's look forward to some favorable results.

Saturday Picks
Cincinnati Reds 
Detroit Tigers
Philadelphia Phllies
Texas Rangers

Rain Man

Friday, August 5, 2011

Free Picks Friday MLB

Happy Friday! Thought we were going to run away with the 2 wins yesterday, but the Nationals let us down and we're stuck with another 1-1 day. Not exactly what I was looking for but it leaves us dead even so no harm no foul.

Thursday's Summary 1-1
Washington Nationals (+125)
Texas Rangers (-135)

Took a look at the games today but I didn't really find much so as a result I only have one pick today.

Today's Pick 
Philadelphia Phillies (-130)

Rain Man

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Free Picks Thursday MLB

I feel like I should have known better about the Cardinals/ Brewers game, but what can I say, hindsight is always 20-20 right? Anyways, we finished yesterday with one win, one loss and came out pretty much even. It did put our little streak on a temporary break, but I'm not really too mad about it. Can't be too greedy in this game.

Wednesday's Summary 1-1
Minnesota Twins (win)
Saint Louis Cardinals (loss)

Win-Loss Record To Date: 36 - 19

I'll be putting up full picks for a couple more days so make sure you pay attention. Here are the teams I'm looking at today.

Today's Pick
Texas Rangers (-135)
Washington Nationals (+125)

Rain Man

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Free Picks MLB Wednesday

Now that's what I'm talking about! Another perfect day yesterday, going 2-0 and extending my winning streak to 5. That should quiet the naysayers for now. The Marlins game was really close, but luckily for us we got a gift from above and the Marlins miraculously scored 2 runs in the 9th to gain the lead and eventually won the game 4-3. As for the other game, the Phillies blew out the Rockies 5-0 and became the first team this season to reach 70 wins.

Tuesday's Summary 2-0
Philadelphia Phillies (win)
Florida Marlins (win)

But today's a new day and we can't get reckless so we have to continue to pick carefully. Let's try to keep it rolling.

Today's Picks
Minnesota Twins (-105)
Saint Louis Cardinals (-105)

Rain Man

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Free Picks MLB Tuesday

Yesterday resulted in a solid 3-0 winning day. Not a bad way to start the new week. All the games were really close yesterday and 2 of them even went into an extra inning. Pretty intense all around. If any of you had a chance to watch the Phillies game, it almost made my heart stop. The Phillies were down 2 at the top of the 9th, but thanks to a home run by J. Mayberry Jr.,  they score 2 runs to tie the game. Then the first batter for the Phillies, S. Victorino, scored with a home run at the top of the tenth and the Phillies went on the win the game. Amazing.  

Monday's Summary: 3 - 0

Cleveland Indians (win)
Philadelphia Phillies (win)
Houston Astros (win)

Let's get it going.

Today's Picks
Florida Marlins (+115)
Philadelphia Phillies (-120)

Rain Man

Monday, August 1, 2011

Free Picks Monday MLB

Good morning everyone!

It was a hectic weekend so I didn't get a chance to put any picks up, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to take a breather from the sub-par week. Friday's result didn't help either going 0-3. My worst day by far. But that's sports picking for you though, you're going to have bad weeks, but you got to keep on keeping on.

Looking to brush last week off and move on to this week with a better outcome.

Today's Picks
Cleveland Indians (+150)
Philadelphia Phillies (-145)
Houston Astros (+105)

Rain Man

Friday, July 29, 2011

Free MLB Picks Friday

Good morning everyone!

Yesterday's results were 1-1 again, which landed us just about even for the day. We've had better days...

Thursday Summary 1-1
Arizona Diamondbacks (loss)
Toronto Blue Jays (win)

Let's see what we have in store for today.

Friday Picks
Arizona Diamondbacks (-115)
Texas Rangers (-140)
San Francisco Giants (-110)

Rain Man

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Free Picks MLB Thurday

Tough scorecard today. The Dodgers should have won the game but missed out on scoring opportunities and ended with a loss. Luckily the underdog win covered some of the juice. Nothing impressive.

Wednesday's Summary 1-1

Seattle Mariners (win)
Los Angeles Dodgers (loss)

Now lets get back into the swing of things.

Today's Free Picks
Toronto Blue Jays (-165)
Arizona Diamondbacks (-110)

Rain Man

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Free MLB Picks Wednesday

Today's games were disturbingly nerve-racking. At first, I thought the Indians were going to pull another fast one on us as they loaded the bases with no outs at the bottom of the ninth. The Angels were up one but it didn't look promising. Then all of the sudden the clouds parted, a ray of shine light came through and as if it were the will of God, the next hit resulted in a double play with one of the outs at home. The Angels closed out the next batter to lock-in the win. The other 2 games were close but unfortunately only one of the two came out with a win. Juice was crazy on the loss but we still came up a little bit today.

Tuesday's Summary 2-1
Cincinnati Reds (loss)
Los Angeles Angels (win)
Detroit Tigers (win)

Let's see what we got for today.

Today's Picks
Los Angeles Dodgers (-160)
Seattle Mariners (+140)

Rain Man

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Free Picks Tuesday MLB

What a garbage loss! Walden, closing pitcher for the Angels, basically choked and choked bad. With a 1 run lead, not only did he let 1 run in, he loaded the bases before he was relieved. In short, Angels lost.

That's baseball for you. Now for today's games.

Today's Pick
Detroit Tigers (-155)
Los Angeles Angels (-140)
Cincinnati Reds (-165)

Rain Man

Monday, July 25, 2011

Free Picks Monday MLB

Simple day with one easy win.

Sunday's Summary 1-0
Arizona Diamondbacks (win)

Record to Date: 26 wins - 11 losses

Unfortunately, I didn't really like the games today either so again I only have 1 pick. 

Today's Pick
Los Angeles Angels (-135)

Rain Man

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Free Picks Sunday MLB

Saturday started off a little shaky when the Astros were killed by the Cubs 1-5 earlier on in the day, but we were able to take a big sigh of relief as the results of the remaining games ended in our favor and were able to finish the day with three consecutive wins. Not too bad for a Saturday and at least we didn't get juiced on our loss.

Saturday Summary 3-1
Houston Astros (loss)
Arizona Diamondbacks (win)
Florida Marlins (win)
San Francisco Giants (win)

Win-Loss Record: 25-10

There are a lot of games today and I wish I could give you more picks to finish off the week but I only have one today. Well I actually had two and the second was Texas but with the line at -205 it's too rich for my blood so I had to pass. Here's my one free pick for today.

Today's Pick
Arizona Diamondbacks (+125) 

Rain Man

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Free Picks Saturday MLB

Wow. None of the dogs were able to pull through for a disappointing 1-2 yesterday. Lesson learned.

Friday's Summary 1-2
Oakland A's (loss)
Seattle Mariners (loss)
Atlanta Braves (win)

Time to move on to today.

Today's Picks
San Francisco Giants (-140)
Arizona Diamondback (-150)
Florida Marlins (-135)
Houston Astros (+105)

Rain Man

Friday, July 22, 2011

Free Picks Friday MLB

The Mets weren't able to put enough on the scoreboard yesterday which resulted in my one loss. The 2 wins backing it up makes the pain easier to bare.

Thursday's Summary 2-1
New York Mets (loss)
Arizona Diamondbacks (win)
San Diego Padres (win)

That leaves my current win-loss record at 21-8.

Let's end this work week right. Taking some dogs tonight...

Today's Picks
Seattle Mariners (+115)
Oakland A's (+145)
Atlanta Braves (-120)

Rain Man

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Free Picks MLB Thursday

Now that's what I'm talking about! Two winning games to get over this hump day. If anyone caught the Angels game, you witness a very glorious win by the Angels. They were down a lot as the Rangers made a run at the top of the 5th taking a 5 run lead, but miraculously the Angels came back with there own hot streak and scored 6 runs to take the lead then eventually the game. All the errors made by the Rangers didn't hurt either. Next thing you know we're 2-0 for the day.God I love baseball!

Wednesday Summary 2-0
Los Angeles Angels (win)
Philadelphia Phillies (win)

Ok back to business. Time for today.

San Diego Padres (+140)
Arizona Diamondbacks (-125)
New York Mets (-120)

Now I feel some of you may have gained from picks. If that's the case, show some love and follow my blog, or better yet Like Cheehee or even better do both. Thanks.

Record To Date: 19 Wins 7 Loss

Rain Man

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Free Wednesday MLB Picks

Yesterday's results isn't exactly what I had in mind. The Nationals made a valiant effort, but came up one run short against the Astros. The Indians game was terrible as they gave up the game in the bottom of the 9th when the Twins scored two runs to take the lead and the win.

Yesterday's Recap: 1-2
Washington Nationals (loss)
Cleveland Indians (loss)
Milwaukee Brewers (win)

Let's put this behind us and get ready for today's games.

Philadelphia Phillies (-140)
Los Angeles Angels (-130)

Rain Man

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday Free MLB Picks

Gooood afternoon everyone!

It was a great vacation but it's definitely good to be home! I did a quick tally of the free picks I gave out publicly and so far I have a win-loss ratio of 16-5 with a current 4-0 winning streak before I left. Hopefully it'll be like riding a bike and we can get right back into it to continue the streak. 

Took a look at the games today and here's what we're taking.


Washington Nationals -155
Cleveland Indians +115
Milwaukee Brewers -130

Rain Man

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday's Free Picks

Two solid wins yesterday that came nice and easy. Big leads throughout the games allowed us to watch with comfort and ease.

Tuesday Summary: 2-0
Saint Louis Cardinals (win)
Philadelphia Phillies (win)

Now let's move on to today's picks.
Cleveland Indians (-110)
Washington Nationals (-150)

Tough lines today. There's a couple other games I like but I don't believe in taking -210 lines so I've passed on those. On a side note, I'll be going out of town today so I won't have any picks until I get back which is in approx. 2 weeks. In the meantime, check out for other free picks.

Rain Man

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday Free Picks

Didn't have any free picks yesterday. I haven't had time the past couple of days, but here's a quick summary of the weekend.

Saturday: 1-0

Chicago White Sox (win)

Sunday: 1-1
San Francisco Giants (loss)
Minnesota Twins (win)

Here's who I like for today...

Saint Louis Cardinals (-140)
Philadelphia Phillies (-165)

Rain Man

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday Free Picks

Cruising into the Sunday, we hope to get some wins. Based on the lines and the match-ups here's who I like for today.


San Francisco Giants (+110)
Minnesota Twins (+110)

I might have one more pick, but I can't decide at the moment. If I do I'll put it up later.

Rain Man

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday Free Pick

Although there are tons of games today, I don't really like any of the match-ups. I'd be perfectly happy not betting today but I know a lot of you guys would still like a pick. So if you have to put something in, here is what I feel the best pick for today is.


Chicago White Sox (-110)

Rain Man

Friday, July 1, 2011

Free Picks Friday Summary: 2-1

It's always difficult getting that third consecutive win. The game was pretty even until the Arizona let the bottom of the 5th get away from them and let the A's score 4 runs. They made some good effort to try to get back in the game but fell one run short. It's a funny thing about those A's. They lose when I bet on them and win when I bet against them. Go figure. No complaints though, another positive day.


Cleveland Indians (win)
Chicago White Sox (win)
Arizona Diamondbacks (loss)

Rain Man

Free Picks Friday

There are a gang of games today and I'm looking to capitalize on a couple of them. Let's hope to transition into the long weekend with some wins under our belt. Remember both pitchers much pitch. After studying the match-ups, here are my picks.


Cleveland Indians (+105)
Arizona Diamondbacks (-120)
Chicago White Sox (-120)

Rain Man

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday Summary: 1-0

Nothing fancy today. One pick one win.


Pittsburgh Pirates 6-2 (win)

Thursday Free Pick

Not much to work with today. There's a bunch of match-ups that I'm on the fence on, but I've learned through the years that the best thing to do is to not bet on those games. With that said, I only have one pick today.


Pittsburgh Pirates (+120)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday Summary: 2-1

I can't help but chuckle a little when I think about how the Giants game unfolded. Lincecum pitched the hell out of the Cubs and held them to one run for the first 7 innings, but the Giants struggled to get hits. The Giants then teased us, getting our hopes up by scoring one run and tying it up in the top of the 9th, only to have it shattered when the Cubs retaliated with a run of their own to win the game. It was a tough loss, but 2-1 ain't too shabby. I'll take what I can get.

San Francisco Giants 1-2 (loss)
Philadelphia Phillies 2-1 (win)
Cleveland Indians 6-2 (win)

Free Picks Wednesday

Here are my picks for today:

San Francisco Giants (-140)
Philadelphia Phillies (-135)
Cleveland Indians (-115)

I know that I picked the Giants yesterday and they even beat the Cubs twice yesterday, but for some reason I like this match up. I've looked at it long and hard, yet still my gut tells me to stick with it. We'll see how it turns out.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday's Summary: 2-0

The baseball gods were kind to us today and I can't help but think of that Ice Cube song "Today was a good day." Our two teams played beautifully as they dominated their games and held comfortable leads the entire time. I wish it was like this everyday.

San Francisco Giants 13-7 (win)
New York Yankees 12-2 (win)

Stay tuned for tomorrow's free picks. 

Tuesday Free Picks

Lots of games today. Lets try to get to where to going gets good.

The match ups are all pretty tight so there's only 2 games that I like. The Giants and Cubs are playing twice tomorrow. The first game at 2:20 PM ET is the match up I like. Giants will pitch the hell out of you but the biggest concern with the Giants is there inconsistent hitting. Regardless, I don't feel the Cubs have enough in them to take the Giants. I also favoring the Brewers and Yankees game. Here's today's picks:

San Francisco Giants (-140)
New York Yankees (-140)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Results: 1-2

Wow. Talk about a rough day. Unable to get any offense going, the Cardinals were shut out by the Rays 0-5. I was completely disgusted at this game. The Mariners were almost able to pull it off but lost it in the extra inning. Thank goodness we had the Nationals.

Washington Nationals (win)
Saint Louis Cardinals (loss)
Florida Mariners (loss)

Sunday Freebie MLB Picks

Feeling good today. So good that I wanted to give a couple free picks away. Remember that my results and summary blogs are based off real bets that I put in myself. There aren't any picks I put out that I'm not betting on myself. Take a looks and enjoy.

Washington Nationals
Saint Louis Cardinals
Florida Marlins

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday's Summary: 1-1

There weren't any Friday picks, but there were 2 last minute MLB picks for Saturday. Here are the results.


Atlanta Braves (win)
Seattle Mariners (loss)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday's Results: 2-0

Two beautiful wins today.


Washington Nationals (win)
San Francisco Giants (win)

Free Picks Thursday

I'll be putting out free picks every Thursday! Today's picks are...

Washington Nationals
San Francisco Giants

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday's Summary: 1-1


Washington Nationals (win)
New York Mets (loss)

Tough loss as the Mets got pummeled.

Monday, June 20, 2011